Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So I've really started to read a whole lot more the past year. I made a promise to myself that I'd read more and I sure am! Now I'm no speed reader like my cousin Shi, but i do enjoy myself a book now and then! I'm a huge Jackie Collins fan, although some of her books are hard to find due to them being out of print. Now my cousin Lolo has informed me that Jackie is an "old lady writer" HA HA! Well I don't know about that but she sure is a smutty writer and i LOVE it! Lol!

Another thing I've started reading and loving are Vampire Romances. I can thank my friends for getting me started on the Twilight series, which I've read all four and am waiting like everyone else for the fifth book to come out! Another friend told me about the Sookie Stackhouse books, which I've bought a few of those too. I've not got them started yet because I needed to break up my Vampires but reading a Jackie Collins book! I don't want to get all the Vampires confused! Ha ha! But now today I've found yet another Vampire book called Forbidden Nights with a Vampire, author Kerrelyn Sparks.....YEAH!!!!!!!!!! It sounds pretty hot! and I've got Shi interested as do I have my friend Joanna interested!

There is something sexy about Vampires! Duke and i have had the convo before, he asked me one night.....Why do women think Vampires are sexy? I told him i think it's because it's forbidden!! Besides the fact that it is nothing but pure lust and the fact that they just ravage your body! That can be super hot! And then the was all mannish and goes....Yeah but if they actually did that crap to you you wouldn't think it was so hot and you'd be in lots of pain. Men! So I go....yeah but what a way to go huh? All hot and bothered! Lol!!

I can't wait for my next paycheck, guess who's going to the book store! Lots of things to look for! Oh my where do i begin? Yes i have a stack of unread books in the house here the ones next to my bed are the ones i want to read one after another. There are other books around the place for me to read too....but the bed books are number one priority! Jackie Collins and Vampire smut. Ahhhhhh what a good fall to look forward to!!


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