Saturday, January 2, 2010


Greetings humans!

Oh my what a wild holiday season it's been huh? Mama went home last week for Christmas and there was some horrible weather that came in! She made it safely to Grandma and Grandpa's and made it back home to me safely. But it was quite a journey. She had to have cousin Tim pull her up the hill with the tractor!

Grandma and Grandpa got me some litter for Christmas! It was so nice of them to think of me! And Mama gave me the special gift that Darlin and Lizzy gave me too.....I got a Chihuahua! Not a real one....but an ornament! Lol! I now have my very own Chihuahua! Mama says it's a start, ha ha!

Mama has been home for the past few days. She had some vacation time and took an extra day off from work, so we've been hanging out and watching the Bonnie Hunt show in the mornings! Mama has totally thrown me off my schedule lately! I'm not getting my required 15 hours of sleep! But it sure is nice to have her home with me and cuddle and nap together! Oh my Mama bought the HBO series True Blood and we've been watching it. Mama is Vampire obsessed! Lol! As is my Auntie Shianne! The two of them are silly, they watch an episode and call each other! Then last night I caught Mama on the computer watching clips of season 2! I think I need to contact an 800 #! The show between you and me.....very entertaining! Mama says it follows book one, not perfectly but you get the jest of it.

Mama has also been reading her romance books too. We've been doing pretty good at keeping up with those! She had become quite a reader! It's kind of nice though because I like to lay next to Mama when she's reading.....She's a wonderful heat source! Lol! Well humans, I've gotta run for now, I've heard a nasty rumor that a vacuum will be out soon and I need to high tail it out of the way of that beast!

Best New Year to all of you!

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