Eight years later and I still remember it like yesterday. I've been watching a documentary tonight on the History Channel and it is amazing to me how easy it is to remember and yet how easy it is for some to forget.
I remember that day clearly. I had just gotten back from a family vacation that weekend in Colorado. I was also sick as a dog since my friends and i had gotten drunk as skunks at the bar that weekend and then decided to jump in the hot tub at 2am in 20 degree weather. Yeah I had gotten one hell of a sinus infection and I honestly thought I was gonna die! But that day I got up and got myself ready and went to work. When the first plane hit the first tower i was just pulling into the driveway at work and i just sat there for a minute in the car dumb founded. Then when the second tower went down all of us were sitting around work listening to the radio. And i recall...the phones didn't ring. I remember coming home at lunch that day and watching on 20 different channels the towers coming down again and again. I also recall the fear it put into me and most of the U.S.
It's so weird to remember something so clearly.....But sometimes that is just what we do. I remember when the space shuttle blew up when i was in grade school, I remember it because I was home sick and I saw it unfold on the news.
I also remember when the first war broke out in Iraq I was in high school and we watched it on T.V. in the teachers lounge because it was the only T.V. in school hooked up to cable! And we watched history unfold in front of us.
Now as I got older I was in a way more interesting place when Princess Diana died....I was at a keg party....I swear i can't make this stuff up! This guy comes running into the party and was like Princess Di just died. Now we all thought he was being an idiot. Until a bunch of us went to my house to make breakfast and turned on the T.V. and all be damned, she'd been in a car accident.
I remember watching the funeral of President Regan. I was here in my place with my best friend Kelly and we cried. We cried because he was a good man and as kids we could remember the just say no campaign. Sure i was too young to know what was going on....but he was the first President that I could look at and go....oh O.K. that is what a President does!
Heath Ledger....I had just got home from work and my friend Joanna was headed over to go out to supper and i turned on the news and there it was plastered all over the news...Heath Ledger, dead.
Michael Jackson.....I was at the movies with my friend Kelly and my cousin Shianne...Shianne's husband texted her and told her and we really thought he was being an ass! But as I started the engine of the car Kelly was checking her i-phone and all be damned it was burning up facebook. We came home here and it was all over the news.
Tragedy happens everyday. Life isn't fair, we all know that. But as for 9-11 it is something that we never need to forget. All those innocent people dead and for what reason exactly? Because someone has enough hate in their hearts to kill for the sake of killing. What point exactly comes across? It's eight years later and the cowards that did this to us are too afraid to come out of hiding and face us eye to eye. Shouldn't that tell everyone what kind of people these are?
Well that is just my little view point.
Thanks to all that you do...Police.....Fire Fighters......Soldiers.....and other Service members.
Never forget those that do for you.
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