So this is my first day as a blogger!
It's been a nice relaxing Sunday. Miss Scarlett has had her mid day nap and is up and keeping an eye on the upstairs dog. Yes the dog has went for it's walk this afternoon and Miss Scarlett made sure to keep an eye on her. I on the other hand have been a bit more productive by cleaning the house and got stuff thrown together in the crock pot for dinner. Miss Scarlett is a wonderful help in the kitchen. She loves to cook herself, well actually she likes to run in and sit next to her dish thinking that some tasty bit of food may just fall somewhere on the floor! lol!! She loves to be a help!
One of the things I've been doing today is reading....I've not had much time lately to catch up on my book. Yes....I'm admitting that I've fallen a victim of the twilight series! I'm on book 4 called Breaking Dawn and as I've been told by my friends who have read it before me i need to speed up the reading process, ha ha! My baby cousin whom i like to call "Speed Reader Miller" has lapped me twice while reading this book! lol! Miss Scarlett loves to read too! well, she likes to "help read". And by doing that she likes to lay on the book as i try to read. Sometimes it's not just laying on the book, sometimes it's walking on the book, or she'll get a good pace going on, or her personal favorite....laying right next to the book and resting her head on the page I'm needing to turn, which God forbid i need to turn said page i get the most annoyed look! Any cat owner will know just what look that is! Ha ha! Well I've not got that much farther left in the book, but i had to take a time out and get up and around!
Another activity that Miss Scarlett loves to do is aerobics. Now her idea of aerobics is much different than mine. My idea is getting up and moving around at top speeds and jumping and all that jazz till you work up quite a dew! lol! Miss Scarlett is more of a kick the crap out of a toy kind of cat. She'll run around it a bit and throw it in the air and pounce. But once I start working out then it's game on for her! My new obsession for working out is belly dance. I've done this type of workout before and loved it, and not that long ago i found some new belly dance dvd's when my boyfriend and i went to Hastings. Now when i picked these dvd's up he gave me a bit of an eye roll and i said you'll see! you'll see how i can tone up just by using these workouts! Which was followed by he saying "you look great like you are". Awww sweet i know right? well that isn't what a woman wants to hear and then come home and snuggle up and have him touch my fat rolls! lol!
According to my boyfriend as he was watching one of the dvd's with me (i like to watch them first so i don't feel like a total tard when i start) he thought it was just porn, lol!! He was watching the dance moves and listening to the odd music and goes....looks like porn to me. Only a man right ladies? I'll admit at first i was like belly dancing?? But yes trust me it works muscles you never knew you had! It'll take time but I'm going to overcome!
Now anyone with a pet knows that when it comes to a workout that they are "helpy helpers" and Miss Scarlett is always wanting to be near me and help me. She got a bit close one day and learned that if Mama is kickboxing she needs to be a nice distance away! I'll admit, kickboxing is not Miss Scarlett's favorite kind of workout! But with belly dancing she pretty much sits in front of the TV on the floor and watches me like I'm in a tennis match, ha ha! Out of all the workouts i have bought though i have to say Yoga is Miss Scarlett's favorite! She loves to try and knock me off balance during the warrior position or the chair position. But her favorite position of all is downward facing dog. She likes to walk right under you and sit down and meet eye to eye, as if to say...what kind of crazy position is this Mama?
I guess you could call me the workout dvd queen! I've bought many and I'm sure that I'll buy more. I've been told i need to settle it down....but i get bored quite quickly of different workouts and i like to spice it up! That is what life needs right a little bit of spice? Well if you'll excuse me it's about time to spice up the afternoon! Belly dancing anyone??
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